At Farmstead Hudson Valley we celebrate our community and the farmers and makers who are its heart and soul. Our peak season, weekly curated farm box offers more than fresh produce. It’s an opportunity to experience the product of selected producers who exemplify the best of our local area’s rich farm and food landscape.

Find Us

We’ll be back at our local Farmers Markets this summer season with fresh field-grown produce and flowers and as always a welcoming smile. We hope you’ll come and visit our Farmstand in the summer season. In the meantime, please support your local farmers. They need you in the winter months too!

What’s Growing

Our produce is the best of what’s in season on our small farm, a cornucopia of varieties specially selected for flavor, color, and diversity. Take a look at a small sampling of our peak season abundance.

Shaped By Nature

We grow outside in season on just under one acre of land in Stuyvesant, New York, an area prized for its agricultural soils and preserved farmland.

Farmstead Hudson Valley reflects the value we place on creating joy and a sense of place for our family, our friends, and our community, and our desire to put our land to its highest and best use as agricultural land. Our vision for a small productive farm is born from a deeply held belief in the land's potential to shape our future.

Our journey has revealed uncommon potential in our soil that fuels our passion for sensitive farming practices to preserve our natural environment and improve what we grow. We farm in season and carefully select seeds for flavor and diversity, focusing on heirloom and organic varieties.

We’re learning as we go - refining our farming practices to contribute to a larger imperative of giving back to our community and our planet. And through it all, we’re having fun, getting our hands dirty, and opening our hearts. 

Farm Small

Our small size allows us to employ micro-farming and management practices that are harmonic and sustainable to create equilibrium in our soils, reduce land degradation and strengthen our connection with the land.

Through the growing season, flowers and produce are cultivated together in dense plantings, attracting beneficial insects and pollinators and creating a vibrant environment benefiting soil, wildlife, and plants. 

We plant for diversity, carefully selecting seeds and plantings for variety, flavor, and quality.

Grow Local

We aim to give our customers a deeper connection to nature and knowledge of where their food comes from and how it is grown.

Our produce and flowers are sold directly to our community and local chefs and sustain our own families. There is no greater joy for us than being at the tables of our chefs and customers and seeing our products in their capable, creative hands. 

We treasure our agricultural community and aim to be productive on its behalf, contributing our passion and experience to protect and enhance its resources for the benefit of current and future generations.

Listen To The Land

We farm sustainably to build healthier, resilient soils and create an environment to support our farming goals.

We are integrating permaculture and regenerative methods to benefit the land over the long term and to lay the foundation for a vibrant and resilient environmental habitat.

We base our farming practices on a deep respect for the land and to ensure the long-term health of our soils, woodlands, and water sources.

The Heart Of
Our Story

Generations who
came before us boldly stewarded agricultural lands, creating a sense of connection to the land that is a powerful force in our lives.

They were single-minded in their desire to leave the land a better place for their family and community. Their connection to the land was deep, and their commitment to stewardship and a sense of place runs strongly through us. 

Our work honors their legacy and those who came before us here in Columbia County.