Farmstead Hudson Valley is a marriage of family and land, an unfolding story that sustains our community and us by connecting the food we eat to the land we care for.

It is a project that combines a passion for farming with a vision for land stewardship and a commitment to preserving the agricultural traditions of our Columbia County home.

Alix Becker

Land stewardship runs deep over three generations of our family. I grew up on a ranch in California, where the smell of the soil welcomed me home. I’ve had a long career and lived in many places, but the land has always called me back. Now it’s to Columbia County. I’m happiest when I’m here, grounded, with an endless list of projects, connected to my community, and talking about food and farming.

Alfredo Martinez

A native of  Mexico, Alfredo grew up on a small rancho where his father grew produce and flowers and raised livestock. I will never forget the day I met him, the beginning of a working friendship that neither of us knew would lead us to where we are today. Alfredo is a passionate and intuitive farmer and a patient tutor. 

Our two families are the heart of Farmstead Hudson, supporting our efforts with patience and grace and, always, with love.